Do you have to be a radical evangelist to be able to exhibit neighborly love to those in need? Today’s story shows how listening to the still small voice of the spirit could lead you into the pathway of being the answer to prayer someone else is needing. Check out this episode!
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Adam and Eve only had one temptation that was “off limits.” Today, we have temptations on every corner, every website, every Facebook ad, and every commercial. What happened to us last night was a perfect example of why it is so vital to WALK AWAY from temptations and protect your eye-gate! Check out this episode!
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What do your memories and deep-rooted emotions have to do with the smells you smell and the things you think? This amazing discovery happened at a Nordstrom store in Frisco, Texas. Check out this episode!
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Grandma Pulls Gun On Innocent Boy’s… but then this happened. “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” HAPPY “APRIL WISDOM” DAY! Check out this episode!
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Our review of the UNPLANNED move. What you don’t know could be breaking the heart of God. Our prayer, oh God, is that we humble ourselves before You and ask You to forgive us now. Show mercy, show favor. Let our hearts break for what breaks Yours! Check out this episode!
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Chick-fil-A Gets Banned From San Antonio Airport! Is there a double standard when a business can’t LOVE all people, yet STAND for biblical morality? “You will endure persecution for my namesake….but count it all joy.” If you don’t have persecution, chances are you are playing it safe. Check out this episode!
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All HAIL Broke Loose On My Car – AND STILL WE GIVE THANKS! This week’s hail POUNDED my car while my daughter was out driving by herself. Today, we share the story, the lesson and the revelation we learned as a family. How do you handle adversity? Check out this episode!
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UNLEASHED – Grow and Go: Join us as we continue our Podcast series, UNLEASHED AND ANOINTED FOR BUSINESS. Learn how to release the power of the Holy Spirit in the areas of influence God has called you to impact! Check out this episode!
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UNLEASHED – All In: Join us as we continue our Podcast series, UNLEASHED AND ANOINTED FOR BUSINESS. Learn how to release the power of the Holy Spirit in the areas of influence God has called you to impact! Check out this episode!
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UNLEASHED – Wise Investing: Join us as we continue our Podcast series, UNLEASHED AND ANOINTED FOR BUSINESS. Learn how to release the power of the Holy Spirit in the areas of influence God has called you to impact! Check out this episode!
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