Our guest blogger today is Sarah Ford, Certified Health Coach and 18-year veteran in the weight loss and wellness industries. Sarah is a Neurotransmitter and Endocrine certified specialist, which basically means she is going to help you get your head and body in alignment to better work FOR YOU instead of AGAINST you. She is […]
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The EMwomen Connect Groups have launched successfully and we already have 10 national and international locations with their hands up for groups in their areas. Last night’s first meeting in Frisco, TX was a powerful night of networking, collaboration, training, and personal coaching for each of the women who came from various areas of the […]
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Today’s blog is written by TEDx Empowerment Speaker, Leslie O’hare. Her story and passion for women and girls is contagious and her love for God fuels her vision to help others recognize the champion within. To hear the podcast go to: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/terri-baxter-part-1-emwomen-episode-807/id1412489045 4 Steps to “Unleashing the CHAMPION Within” Q: Who is the greatest CHAMPION of […]
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