Jamie Dahl

Today’s guest blogger is Jamie Dahl, wife, mom, dancer, choreographer, cancer survivor and now, writer and soon to be published, author. She is a powerful businesswoman, Warrior Queen and cancer survivor who is on a mission to use her life and story to change the world.
If you missed Jamie’s EMwomen podcast interview, go to iTunes to listen now. Or listen on Spotify, Stitcher or TuneIn. (Search “EMwomen”)
My name is Jamie Dahl, and I am a cancer survivor. In March of 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was immediately thrown headfirst into the most difficult trial I have ever had to face. However, throughout this journey, God revealed Himself to me in a way that, to this day, it still takes my breath away. I am grateful for the hardship and pain that I endured because it gave me an opportunity to put my trust in Christ alone and to strengthen my relationship with Him as He showed His deep love for me.
Writing Heals
During this time, I found writing to be therapeutic and incredibly healing, so I often shared my struggles, fears, and victories with my friends and family via social media.
I want to share one of my favorite posts that addressed the question we so often ask ourselves when tough times invade our lives and that is, “Why me?” I hope these words encourage you if you are in the midst of a difficult season in your life, and know that God will never leave your side!
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!” —Joshua 1:9
If I had to describe in one word how this first week of chemotherapy has been, it would be….INDESCRIBABLE. Unless you have experienced this yourself, there is no way to fully comprehend what this treatment is like. And, for those of you who have traveled this road, I applaud you and empathize.
I am by no means writing this for sympathy or to invite myself to my own pity party, but it’s simply a fact. This is hard. I will spare you the details but know that this takes you to a place of complete physical and emotional brokenness and surrender. You have moments when you question if this will ever end. Then, somewhere in that darkness, there shines a glimmer of normalcy, when you actually entertain the thought of washing a dish or two. Mind you, that only lasts a second.
I have asked myself many times during these past few days. Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to face this trial? What did I do to deserve this? Why must my children watch me suffer? Why? Why do bad things happen to good people?
Now, I am not claiming to be any more “good” than anyone else. In fact, I’m quite flawed, broken, goofy and under construction just like the next person. However, I’d like to think I don’t have serial killer tendencies. I’m kind to animals. And I am “that girl” who will go all the way back to the Target cashier from the parking lot once I realize that small pack of gum that slipped through my cart at checkout that didn’t get rung up. So again, why did I win the “Your life is going to pretty much be crap for a while” lottery?
Well, it’s actually pretty simple. We live in a fallen world. We live in a world that is not our home and on this earth, we will experience pain. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done or not done with your life, we will experience trouble. John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” It doesn’t say, your life will always be butterflies and rainbows and there will be an endless sale going on at Nordstroms! No, it says, you WILL have trouble. But, you have to remember the last and best part of that verse. That promise declares that when “God wins….you win.”
I believe God has allowed this to happen to me, and it is my job to approach it with an attitude of thankfulness. Now please understand, I am not THANKFUL that I have cancer. I am not HAPPY about this one bit. And do I kick and scream and cry like a baby sometimes? ABSOLUTELY. But, I can be grateful knowing a merciful God will never leave my side and He will see me through to victory. I can be grateful that He is giving me an opportunity to trust Him more, to see His incredible and constant love poured out on me each and every day, and then maybe I will be given the opportunity to use this experience to help someone else in the future.
I can also choose to see the good this will produce in my family. My children will learn about a very real life struggle and hopefully, gather tools about how to deal with trouble within a safe environment while they are young. I can choose to let this be an “inconvenience” on their perfect little lives, or I can choose to allow this to make them stronger and more equipped for what they will encounter as they grow. I can choose to take this opportunity to teach them about compassion, fortitude, faith, trust, and chipping in when the chips are down. We all have a choice when it comes to how we view tough times in our life. I’m not choosing to like it, but I am choosing to accept and embrace it.
I know I will have to remind myself of this all over again when it’s time to put the gloves back on and jump in the ring for Round Two. Because having this mindset is hard work. It’s not a flippant, happy-go-lucky attitude you just adopt. It takes daily prayer, internal wrestling, and literally throwing your hands up to the heavens and saying, “HELP!” And even in those moments when you just can’t wrap your head around everything that is happening, making sure you are allowing yourself to be okay with not having all the answers and finding peace with that is what becomes most important.
So my question should NOT be, “Why me?” But instead….
“Why not me?”
Visit Jamie’s website: thedahliadiaries.com
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
Check out this clip of Jamie dancing for Carman Licciardello in the movie R.I.O.T. You go, girl!
No matter what your story might be, YOUR SCARS CAN BECOME STARS THAT LIGHT THE WAY FOR OTHERS and we are here to help you bring out your GOD COLORS to this world.
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“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!” —Joshua 1:9
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